Mystery Guest

Mystery Guest IKen Tui is one of the leading companies specialized in luxury hospitality services, with more than 12 years experience. Elaine de Oliveira, it’s director, has extensive experience in analysing and training teams of Spa-service and treatments, by adopting the Mystery Guest/Shopping methodology and differentiated analysis.

Therefore, we offer to contracting companies, by way of constant supervision, a deep knowledge of the real experience of its clients, in order to raise the quality of services and tretaments provided, inspire loyalty for the brand and boost business volume.

Why hire Ken Tui?

  • QUALITY: We are enthusiast for quality in the provision of services and information and meeting deadlines.
  • REFERENCE: We are the reference in the hospitality market in Amsterdam.
  • EXCLUSIVITY: We have a very high skilled team of Mistery Guest/Shoppers.
  • FOLLOW UP:  We not only point out the problems, but also create a taylor-made training to solve and improve it.


Evaluation of services and/or products offered by the contracting company through the work of Mystery Guest/Shoppers trained by Ken Tui. The Mystery Guest/Shopper visits an establishment and evaluates his/her experience in relation to all areas and persons with whom he/she had contact. Visits can have different objectives, such as, for example, evaluate the sales process, the politeness of employees, their ability to inspire credibility and trust and their knowledge of the product.

Evaluation made by the Mystery Guest/Shopper about a specific product of the contracting party. Mystery Shoppers, trained by Ken Tui, ask for a specific product and evaluate if the salesperson will indicate the contracting company’s or competitor’s brand, and its benefits. Companies that wish to strengthen a brand and boost sales generally hire this service.

Mystery Guest/Shoppers, trained by Ken Tui, promptly reward the contracting company’s employee who satisfies all predetermined procedures.
These visits are mostly oriented to suggestive selling and supplementary selling and are intended to raise the average ticket and revenues and, in general, characterize a performance-based incentive campaign for establishments.

Refers to Mystery Guest/Shoppers, trained by Ken Tui, who make calls and can force different situations, if relevant, and thereafter tell their experiences in their reports.
The Mystery Guest/Shopper makes a call, for example, to a Health Center, Spa or Hotel, to gather important information on a specified product or service offered.

It is an activity where Mystery Guest/Shoppers trained by Ken Tui can evaluate the functionality, agility, ability to find information, atitude to carry out transactions, delivery of products and services offered by chats.

Evaluation of the services and/or products from competitors by way of the work of Mystery Guest/Shoppers trained by Ken Tui.
The Mystery Guest/Shopper visits one or various competitor’s establishments and evaluates his/her experience in relation to all areas and persons with whom he/she had contact. In many cases, the contracting company performs a similar work, including the evaluation of its establishments and those of its competitors, so as to compare a series of capabilities analyzed.

–  Personal interest and involvement towards our clients;
– Limited portfolio for a reason: to deliver exclusive, customised and very taylor-made programmes;
– A flexible and comprehensive survey programme;
– Short lines of communication, direct communication;
– Professional support;
– Reliability and knowhow;
– Distinctiveness throughout the whole process.

To find out more please call for a consultation.