Massage Therapy

Chair Massage

Chair Massage at Work

Chairmassage is a short massage of the back, schoulders, neck and arms of about 20 minutes. It is a clothes on massage and no oils are used. This makes it a very popular and practical type of massage to be offered at the office or during events.

Why Chairmassage?

Chairmassage has the following benefits:

  • It improves circulation and therefore supports the bodies own (recovery) processes.
  • Regular massages improves body consciousness. How is my posture? When do I need a break?
  • It is amoment of relaxation during a hectic workschedule. Many people keep running all day long, even during their lunchbreak. Taking a break and creating some distance for e few minutes often creates renewed energy and focus for the work ahead.
  • Possible complaints in back, neck and shoulders often decrease.


For more information about the possibilities in your company, please contact Ken Tui at
